Bringing Tech to Travel

Recently introduced was a new tactic for boarding airplanes that creates a more efficient and easy way for passengers to board their flights. The use of facial recognition technology has allowed for a new form of scanning when checking into a flight.

A simple face scan will either confirm or deny that you are a passenger that was assigned to that plane and will open the gate for you to begin the boarding process. This new technological tactic eliminates the need for boarding passes and speeds up the entirety of the system of boarding.

Currently this practice is only being used for international flights in select airports, Miami International being one of them. Earlier in the month of February this trial technology was utilized for passengers flying both into and out of the Miami airport and the response from the public seems to be positive in nature.

I personally think that this would be very beneficial in any flying situation. The removal of boarding passes, whether paper or downloaded, would be a huge relief and I know it would make traveling a lot quicker for me in the long run. This time reducing technology would allow for me to grab a coffee or use the bathroom prior to my flight rather than rushing when I have a layover, which I would greatly appreciate.


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