Online Presence

This blog has forced me to face the large scale online presence that I occupy. While I may not be the person who is oversharing every detail of her day to day life on Facebook or Twitter, I do have an account on almost all platforms and share an abundance of photos.

I've found that the most rewarding presence I have is that of my websites which are home to my blogs. They allow me to have an outlet where I can share my ideas on certain topics but don't have to force it on anyone. I also am not constantly checking the amount of likes I'm receiving and who is or isn't following me because it is all anonymous. I simply write freely which is truly a healthy outlet for me to utilize amidst my schoolwork.

After reading the article about Facebook and the way in which it uses information about us to target specific ads, I began to realize the reality of it. Anytime I utilize the social media platform of Facebook or really look at any ad on any site it almost always relates to something that I recently searched online or could be found in my browser history. The ads always spark my attention which is exactly what these companies want from me.

It appalls me that we have come to a point on the internet where our privacy isn't private, and the things we do or search for in our daily lives is recorded to then target us for various other companie's benefit.


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